11 research outputs found

    Land administration and regulation model for improved formal delivery and accessibility of urban lands in Nigeria.

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    Acquiring developable land for property development in suitable locations especially in urban areas is considered as a global problem, and is no exception in Nigeria. Some of the reasons responsible for this phenomenon are uncontrolled urbanisation, increasing demographic growth, complex bureaucracies, unskilled technocracy, corruption and weak institutional machineries, among others. All these had hampered smooth and efficient delivery processes and finally had decreased delivery and accessibility of urban lands in Nigeria. Therefore, this study was conducted, essentially to simplify the processes for land administrators while discharging their responsibilities, by examining and resolving those underlying factors that are affecting the optimal performance of formal land administration and regulation systems. This study adopted quantitative approach, with the use of both probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling techniques. The respondents participated in this study were relevant government agencies and committees that are directly involved in the supply of urban land; low, medium and high density land users in eighteen (18) formal land development schemes, from two cities in each of six states of the Southwestern Nigeria. These schemes were found in Isheri and Ikorodu in Lagos State; Abeokuta and Ijebu-Ode in Ogun State; Ibadan and Ogbomoso in Oyo State; Osogbo and Ile-Ife in Osun State; Akure and Ondo in Ondo State; and Ado-Ekiti and Ijero-Ekiti in Ekiti State. Furthermore, the independent land consultants and shelter or land mandated non-governmental organisations (NGOs) were considered as the intermediate component of the land delivery and accessibility equation; so as to have balanced results that are sufficient to address these challenges. By using the Analysis of Moments of Structures Software Package (AMOS), via Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), the results show that merely nine percent (9%) of causal relationship exists between the duo of formal land administration and regulation system (FLARS) and policy development and compliance engineering (PDCE), as determining agents of formal land delivery and accessibility in Nigeria. Furthermore, these are due to the stand-alone structure of the lands regulo-administrative machineries, leading to their insignificant contribution of nine percent (9%) towards formal land delivery and accessibility. As a conclusion, close to 70% of these challenges were caused by ill-structuration, corruption, lack of collaboration and policy summersault, and thus will remain unsolved if this trend continues. Among the suggestions is that, there should be improvement to land administration operations which can be achieved through SLADECOM Model applications, where restructuring of departments and land administration regulation systems, as well as policy frameworks will be made to improve the efficiency and performances of land administration and regulation systems in Nigeria

    Assessing the Effects of ‘Stand-alone’ Structuration of Land Administration System on Urban Land Delivery and Accessibility in Nigeria

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    Известно, что производительность и эффективность системы управления земельными ресурсами зависит от очень многих факторов, возможно, главным из которых, является степень взаимности, согласованности и би-направленности взаимосвязи, которая существует между различными субъектами, обремененными собственными регуляторно-административными механизмами, которые ставят ряд задач. Несомненно, это простое ведение дел приводит к формальному распределению земельных участков и, следовательно, повышает доступность городских земель для нескольких категорий пользователей в Нигерии, так как этом случае делается во всем мире. Тем не менее, эти взаимосвязи отсутствуют в управлении земельными ресурсами и системе регулирования в Нигерии. Таким образом, данное исследование намерено оценить прямые и возможные косвенные последствия, которые эти взаимосвязи оказывают на формальную передачу и доступность городских земель в Нигерии.Во-первых, это было сделано, формулируя вопросы, связанные с данной проблемой и калибруя их в концепции, а затем оценивая их с помощью следующих оценочных карт, а именно: миопизм, неизобретательность, ущерб, эко-финансовые потери, недоверие, травмы, антирост, смерть, искажение рынка и процветающая неформализация в Юго-Западной Нигерии. Из общего числа 586 лиц, рассматриваемых в качестве среднестатистического населения для выбранного для опроса района, 120 респондентам были предложены структурированные опросники для регуляторов земельных вопросов, земельных администраторов, независимых земельных консультантов и непосредственных пользователей земельных участков для того, чтобы сформировать честное и широкое представление о вопросах, связанных с дилеммой доступности земли. Было получено 93 анкеты, из которых 87 были признаны действительными, и, таким образом, легли в основу сделанного анализа, с акцентом на 5-бальной шкале Лайкерта с помощью умозаключений и описательных статистических инструментов. Результаты исследования показали, среди прочего, что трения в отношениях привели к необоснованному отбрасыванию ролей, что негативно влияет на темпы доставки, и одновременно приводит к перекосам на пути к формальному доступу к городским землям для различных категорий землепользователей. Среди рекомендаций следующие: государственные формальные земельные органы должны быть перенастроены для создания синергии, которая порождает положительную взаимосвязь и синхронизацию ролей в направлении улучшения формальной передачи земли и ее доступности в Нигерии.The efficiency and effectiveness of land administration system had been acknowledged to be premised on so many factors, arguably the chief of which, is the degree of mutuality, frictionlessness and bi-directionality in the interrelationship that exist amongst the various factors that are discharging arrays of tasks that these formal lands regulo-administrative machineries are saddled with. Undoubtedly, this simple conduct of affairs resultantly drives the formal lands delivery, hence it increases accessibility to urban lands by several categories of users in Nigeria, as thus the case globally. However, these interrelationships are absent among land administration and regulation systems in Nigeria. Hence, this study intends to assess the direct and possible indirect impacts that these interrelationships fallouts have on the formal delivery and accessibility of urban lands in Nigeria, Firstly, this was done by articulating the issues involved and calibrating them into constructs, then measuring them via the following score-cards, thus: myopism, non-ingenuity, disservice, eco-financial loss, distrust, trauma, anti-growth, death, market distortion and thriving informalisation focussing on the South Western Nigeria. Out of the total 586 individuals considered as the total population for the sample space, 120 individual qualified for the sample frame, upon which the structured questionnaires were distributed among land regulators, land administrators, independent land consultants and ultimate land users, essentially to have a fair and broad view of the issues inherent in this lands accessibility dilemma. 93 questionnaires were retrieved, out of which 87 questionnaires were valid, thus formed the basis upon which analyses were done, with emphasis on the 5 point Likert scale measurement usage, via both inferential and descriptive statistical tools. The results showed amongst other things, that unbridled relationship frictions had led to unwarranted role jettisoning and this impacts adversely on the delivery pace which concomitantly warps formal pathway to accessing urban lands by various categories of land users. Among the recommendations are that government formal land agencies should be re-configured to build synergy that engenders positive interrelationship and role synchronisation towards improved formal land delivery and accessibility in Nigeria


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    There appears to be a constantly incontrovertible, yet delicately inseparable cord, between land resource as an all-time invaluable asset, and meaningful socio-economic growth and development. Much as this assertion holds, what enigmatically remains almost unsolvable is the seeming unending mystery that surrounds ‘wilful’ prevention of access to this very non-substitutable resource, in spite of its tangentiality to virtually all endeavours, around which the survival of all human beings revolves. Thence, it is compellingly tempting to reason that, some ‘unseen’ factors are decidedly making the delivery and accessibility of land, especially within urban milieu, extremely difficult, so much that, enviable growth and development might be so perennially elusive, particularly to the poor segment of the populace, which unfortunately forms the largest proportion of any country’s citizenry, Nigeria inclusive. Although, the trend facades itself to be solely caused by economic and other attendant pecuniary factors, but as all the economically-defined strategies seem not too effective over the years, to finally nail several challenges associated with formal land delivery and accessibility; it behoves upon researchers and policy-makers alike, to look beyond the ordinary. Hence, the demystification exercise such as this, which is geared towards unravelling this mystery, reveals more factors that are indeed non-pecuniary, this is the crux of this study. Therefore, this study, which is part of a doctoral research, pre-empirically via literature reviews and two pilot surveys, generated those not-so-suspected non-pecuniary factors that are considered as retardants to the formal delivery and accessibility of urban lands in Nigeria. These retardants are then catalogued and coined into one major determinant variable, which is called policy development and compliance engineering (PDCE) for ease of empirical exercise that was to follow later, as well as for the understanding by all would-be stakeholders. This major determinant variable is then being measured by other three latent constructs, which are calibrated to encompass some integral items of questions as their evaluative components; these constructs are named policy relevance and appropriateness (PRA), contents and context of policies (CCP) and role mediation regime (RMR). Hence, out of the total of 2408 respondents as total sample space, 850 respondents were qualified as the sample frame, from where a total of 450 respondents were considered for the sample size, upon which well structure questionnaires of 5point Likert scale type were administered among career land officers and tenured land regulators in the MDAs, independent land consultants and NGOs with shelter mandate, as well as various categories of land users and developers. After through normality and reliability tests on the 427 retrieved questionnaires, only 11 were considered invalid and thus rejected. Therefore, the remaining 416 questionnaires that were valid went through AMOS’ version 18 software for Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analyses. The results showed amongst other things that among the three major constituting retardants of formal land delivery and accessibility, contents and context of policies has the highest regression via its estimate of 0.26 with critical ratio of 4.86, which thus makes it to be the greatest among the policy development and compliance engineering constructs, as contributor of retardation upon the propensity of formal lands’ regulo-administrative machineries to efficiently deliver lands for optimum accessibility by the land users and developers. Among other recommendations to address this pathetic scenario, are that the government should strive and ‘nigerianise’ all or very many important provisions of all the relevant land policy instruments, etc.  Article visualizations


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    The responses of government, public, researchers and professionals alike could have been boosted in need to tenaciously tackle residential neighborhood crime if there were enough research and publication on the diverse consequences of residential neighborhood crime. The main objective of this article is to critically evaluate the consequences of residential neighborhood crime. The research finding revealed a triangular nature of the consequences in that it burdens on the property and its environs; on government and its agencies and thirdly on the residents. This study believes that tackling residential neighborhood crime portends some benefits like the removal of fear of crime which will inferably boost residents’ health status towards efficiency of labour, boost housing investment, increase government revenue from property tax and in turn reduce public spending on crime control. All these efforts would translate to environmental sustainability.  Article visualizations


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    Land has been variously acknowledged as a perennial harbinger of socio-economic power that exudes prestige and class. It is the foundation for food and shelter, driving the very bedrock that significantly provides for most employment opportunities in the country side. Regrettably, as global urbanisation trends soars uncontrollably, land is rapidly becoming increasingly scarce assets in cities. Therefore, supplying of and demand for lands, especially within urban spheres, are though unfortunately never at equilibrium, but the present scenarios in formal window of urban land market, which is solely responsible for the supply of formal land for various developmental purposes, has been very unimpressive. This simply, has rendered delivery to be at its lowest ebb, such that accessibility, which is the measure of demand coefficients from the part of the various land users, to be hampered, the resultant effects of which  is consistent decrease of the real estate stock. Hence, it is in astounding recognition of the above ugly scenario that this study was conducted, primarily to validate the potentialities of SLADECOM model which is an end product of a doctoral research. Essentially, this model is meant to remove all the established barriers that are rendering the supply side (i.e delivery) as well as the demand side (i.e accessibility) of the formal market for urban lands, so sub-optimal. Moreover, the following constructs and variables that survived the statistical screening exercise were coined as components of this Sladecom model for empirical validation, such as: structural and culturo-behavioural dynamics (scbd), socio-political and economic dictates (sped), human techno-analytical arsenals (htaa), policy relevance and appropriateness (pra), contents and context of policies (ccp) and role mediation regime (rmr).Furthermore, validation, which is unlike just any other survey, requires high level of integrity, as results from it are almost laws in their plausibility, which simply suggests that respondents with huge experience, towering knowledge and consummate understanding of the issues involved in the subject matter are carefully selected for data collection. Out of the rough total of over 500 individuals considered as the total population for the sample space, 205 individuals qualified for the sample frame, from which the sample size of 120 was chosen, upon which the structured questionnaires were distributed. Therefore, after necessary integrity checks, 92 out 107 questionnaires that were retrieved, were found to be valid, thus formed the denominator for the analyses, using 5 point Likert scale of measurement, corroborated with pie-charts for stronger inferential and descriptive statistical results and explanations. The findings amongst other things are that this model has great potential to drastically reduce multiple roles partitioning among formal land administration machineries and thus increases the speed, quality and quantity of service delivery to prospective teeming land users. Among the recommendations is that decisive actions must be expeditiously taken on generating more functional databases and also increase the frequency of contents updating of these databases. This will no doubt improve the technical prowess of formal land administration machineries, with resultant capability to address myriad of challenges of formal land delivery and accessibility in Nigeria.  JEL: R14, R52, R31  Article visualizations


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    The centrality of land to man’s socio-economic and even political survival, has long been recognised as a non-negotiable necessity. Apparently, because of the relative fixity of this resource, coupled with ever soaring demographic bursts, that had made it imperative more than ever before, to ensure the management, administration, control and regulation of its use and development a top priority. However, it must be frankly admitted, that formal land market, which is driven by the dynamics of supply and demand, which are otherwise termed delivery and accessibility respectively, are faced with very unimaginable challenges of unprecedented scales. Although, these ‘brickwalls’ are emanating from very many different contexts, but arguably, the most copious of them are traceable to formal land administration and regulation systems. Therefore, it is in a bid to address this very unfortunate trending turbulence, created and sustained by ‘brickwalls’ of formal land administration and regulation system, as reflected above, that this study was conducted.  Hence, subsequent upon literature search that revealed some salient issues, that was evidenced to be brickwalls of land administration and regulation system. Therefore, structured questionnaires were designed with 5point Likert scale format and distributed via purposive and convenience sampling technique, among 450 respondents that were adopted for the sample size, from a sample frame 850 respondents, out of the total sample space of 2408 respondents. It captured relevant officers on permanent and tenured engagement among the various land agencies that jointly constitute the formal land administration and regulation system within the Nigeria’s south-western states of Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Osun, Ondo and Ekiti, as well as independent land consultants and NGOs with shelter mandate, together with various classes of land users and developers. Sequel to application of AMOS’ version 18 software to conduct Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), the 427 retrieved questionnaires were made through series of integrity tests to establish their reliability and normality. 416 questionnaires were found valid, upon which the analyses were done. The results showed that amongst the three major ‘brickwalls’ studied, human techno-analytical arsenal was found to be of not-so-significant effects on the formal land administration and regulation system and thus resultantly impacts less on the overall supply and demand dynamics of the formal land market. The study recommends among other things, for a very urgent and decisive action to seriously re-align and reconfigure the structure of various constituent units of Nigeria’s land administration and regulation system, so as to engender synergy and collaboration building among them, with a view to making them more optimal in their performance, thus contributing immensely to the operational vibrancy of the formal land market in Nigeria. JEL: R14, R52, R31  Article visualizations

    Assessing the Effects of ‘Stand-alone’ Structuration of Land Administration System on Urban Land Delivery and Accessibility in Nigeria

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    The efficiency and effectiveness of land administration system had been acknowledged to be premised on so many factors, arguably the chief of which, is the degree of mutuality, frictionlessness and bi-directionality in the interrelationship that exist amongst the various factors that are discharging arrays of tasks that these formal lands regulo-administrative machineries are saddled with. Undoubtedly, this simple conduct of affairs resultantly drives the formal lands delivery, hence it increases accessibility to urban lands by several categories of users in Nigeria, as thus the case globally. However, these interrelationships are absent among land administration and regulation systems in Nigeria. Hence, this study intends to assess the direct and possible indirect impacts that these interrelationships fallouts have on the formal delivery and accessibility of urban lands in Nigeria, Firstly, this was done by articulating the issues involved and calibrating them into constructs, then measuring them via the following score-cards, thus: myopism, non-ingenuity, disservice, eco-financial loss, distrust, trauma, anti-growth, death, market distortion and thriving informalisation focussing on the South Western Nigeria. Out of the total 586 individuals considered as the total population for the sample space, 120 individual qualified for the sample frame, upon which the structured questionnaires were distributed among land regulators, land administrators, independent land consultants and ultimate land users, essentially to have a fair and broad view of the issues inherent in this lands accessibility dilemma. 93 questionnaires were retrieved, out of which 87 questionnaires were valid, thus formed the basis upon which analyses were done, with emphasis on the 5 point Likert scale measurement usage, via both inferential and descriptive statistical tools. The results showed amongst other things, that unbridled relationship frictions had led to unwarranted role jettisoning and this impacts adversely on the delivery pace which concomitantly warps formal pathway to accessing urban lands by various categories of land users. Among the recommendations are that government formal land agencies should be re-configured to build synergy that engenders positive interrelationship and role synchronisation towards improved formal land delivery and accessibility in Nigeria

    Assessing the Effects of ‘Stand-alone’ Structuration of Land Administration System on Urban Land Delivery and Accessibility in Nigeria

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    The efficiency and effectiveness of land administration system had been acknowledged to be premised on so many factors, arguably the chief of which, is the degree of mutuality, frictionlessness and bi-directionality in the interrelationship that exist amongst the various factors that are discharging arrays of tasks that these formal lands regulo-administrative machineries are saddled with. Undoubtedly, this simple conduct of affairs resultantly drives the formal lands delivery, hence it increases accessibility to urban lands by several categories of users in Nigeria, as thus the case globally. However, these interrelationships are absent among land administration and regulation systems in Nigeria. Hence, this study intends to assess the direct and possible indirect impacts that these interrelationships fallouts have on the formal delivery and accessibility of urban lands in Nigeria, Firstly, this was done by articulating the issues involved and calibrating them into constructs, then measuring them via the following score-cards, thus: myopism, non-ingenuity, disservice, eco-financial loss, distrust, trauma, anti-growth, death, market distortion and thriving informalisation focussing on the South Western Nigeria. Out of the total 586 individuals considered as the total population for the sample space, 120 individual qualified for the sample frame, upon which the structured questionnaires were distributed among land regulators, land administrators, independent land consultants and ultimate land users, essentially to have a fair and broad view of the issues inherent in this lands accessibility dilemma. 93 questionnaires were retrieved, out of which 87 questionnaires were valid, thus formed the basis upon which analyses were done, with emphasis on the 5 point Likert scale measurement usage, via both inferential and descriptive statistical tools. The results showed amongst other things, that unbridled relationship frictions had led to unwarranted role jettisoning and this impacts adversely on the delivery pace which concomitantly warps formal pathway to accessing urban lands by various categories of land users. Among the recommendations are that government formal land agencies should be re-configured to build synergy that engenders positive interrelationship and role synchronisation towards improved formal land delivery and accessibility in Nigeria.Известно, что производительность и эффективность системы управления земельными ресурсами зависит от очень многих факторов, возможно, главным из которых, является степень взаимности, согласованности и би-направленности взаимосвязи, которая существует между различными субъектами, обремененными собственными регуляторно-административными механизмами, которые ставят ряд задач. Несомненно, это простое ведение дел приводит к формальному распределению земельных участков и, следовательно, повышает доступность городских земель для нескольких категорий пользователей в Нигерии, так как этом случае делается во всем мире. Тем не менее, эти взаимосвязи отсутствуют в управлении земельными ресурсами и системе регулирования в Нигерии. Таким образом, данное исследование намерено оценить прямые и возможные косвенные последствия, которые эти взаимосвязи оказывают на формальную передачу и доступность городских земель в Нигерии.Во-первых, это было сделано, формулируя вопросы, связанные с данной проблемой и калибруя их в концепции, а затем оценивая их с помощью следующих оценочных карт, а именно: миопизм, неизобретательность, ущерб, эко-финансовые потери, недоверие, травмы, антирост, смерть, искажение рынка и процветающая неформализация в Юго-Западной Нигерии. Из общего числа 586 лиц, рассматриваемых в качестве среднестатистического населения для выбранного для опроса района, 120 респондентам были предложены структурированные опросники для регуляторов земельных вопросов, земельных администраторов, независимых земельных консультантов и непосредственных пользователей земельных участков для того, чтобы сформировать честное и широкое представление о вопросах, связанных с дилеммой доступности земли. Было получено 93 анкеты, из которых 87 были признаны действительными, и, таким образом, легли в основу сделанного анализа, с акцентом на 5-бальной шкале Лайкерта с помощью умозаключений и описательных статистических инструментов. Результаты исследования показали, среди прочего, что трения в отношениях привели к необоснованному отбрасыванию ролей, что негативно влияет на темпы доставки, и одновременно приводит к перекосам на пути к формальному доступу к городским землям для различных категорий землепользователей. Среди рекомендаций следующие: государственные формальные земельные органы должны быть перенастроены для создания синергии, которая порождает положительную взаимосвязь и синхронизацию ролей в направлении улучшения формальной передачи земли и ее доступности в Нигерии


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    The centrality of land to man’s socio-economic and even political survival, has long been recognised as a non-negotiable necessity. Apparently, because of the relative fixity of this resource, coupled with ever soaring demographic bursts, that had made it imperative more than ever before, to ensure the management, administration, control and regulation of its use and development a top priority. However, it must be frankly admitted, that formal land market, which is driven by the dynamics of supply and demand, which are otherwise termed delivery and accessibility respectively, are faced with very unimaginable challenges of unprecedented scales. Although, these ‘brickwalls’ are emanating from very many different contexts, but arguably, the most copious of them are traceable to formal land administration and regulation systems. Therefore, it is in a bid to address this very unfortunate trending turbulence, created and sustained by ‘brickwalls’ of formal land administration and regulation system, as reflected above, that this study was conducted.  Hence, subsequent upon literature search that revealed some salient issues, that was evidenced to be brickwalls of land administration and regulation system. Therefore, structured questionnaires were designed with 5point Likert scale format and distributed via purposive and convenience sampling technique, among 450 respondents that were adopted for the sample size, from a sample frame 850 respondents, out of the total sample space of 2408 respondents. It captured relevant officers on permanent and tenured engagement among the various land agencies that jointly constitute the formal land administration and regulation system within the Nigeria’s south-western states of Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Osun, Ondo and Ekiti, as well as independent land consultants and NGOs with shelter mandate, together with various classes of land users and developers. Sequel to application of AMOS’ version 18 software to conduct Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), the 427 retrieved questionnaires were made through series of integrity tests to establish their reliability and normality. 416 questionnaires were found valid, upon which the analyses were done. The results showed that amongst the three major ‘brickwalls’ studied, human techno-analytical arsenal was found to be of not-so-significant effects on the formal land administration and regulation system and thus resultantly impacts less on the overall supply and demand dynamics of the formal land market. The study recommends among other things, for a very urgent and decisive action to seriously re-align and reconfigure the structure of various constituent units of Nigeria’s land administration and regulation system, so as to engender synergy and collaboration building among them, with a view to making them more optimal in their performance, thus contributing immensely to the operational vibrancy of the formal land market in Nigeria. JEL: R14, R52, R31  Article visualizations

    Validation of the “sladecom” model as a contemporary panacea for the improvement of formal land market in Nigeria

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    Land has been variously acknowledged as a perennial harbinger of socio-economic power that exudes prestige and class. It is the foundation for food and shelter, driving the very bedrock that significantly provides for most employment opportunities in the country side. Regrettably, as global urbanisation trends soars uncontrollably, land is rapidly becoming increasingly scarce assets in cities. Therefore, supplying of and demand for lands, especially within urban spheres, are though unfortunately never at equilibrium, but the present scenarios in formal window of urban land market, which is solely responsible for the supply of formal land for various developmental purposes, has been very unimpressive. This simply, has rendered delivery to be at its lowest ebb, such that accessibility, which is the measure of demand coefficients from the part of the various land users, to be hampered, the resultant effects of which is consistent decrease of the real estate stock. Hence, it is in astounding recognition of the above ugly scenario that this study was conducted, primarily to validate the potentialities of SLADECOM model which is an end product of a doctoral research. Essentially, this model is meant to remove all the established barriers that are rendering the supply side (i.e delivery) as well as the demand side (i.e accessibility) of the formal market for urban lands, so sub-optimal. Moreover, the following constructs and variables that survived the statistical screening exercise were coined as components of this Sladecom model for empirical validation, such as: structural and culturo-behavioural dynamics (scbd), socio-political and economic dictates (sped), human techno-analytical arsenals (htaa), policy relevance and appropriateness (pra), contents and context of policies (ccp) and role mediation regime (rmr).Furthermore, validation, which is unlike just any other survey, requires high level of integrity, as results from it are almost laws in their plausibility, which simply suggests that respondents with huge experience, towering knowledge and consummate understanding of the issues involved in the subject matter are carefully selected for data collection. Out of the rough total of over 500 individuals considered as the total population for the sample space, 205 individuals qualified for the sample frame, from which the sample size of 120 was chosen, upon which the structured questionnaires were distributed. Therefore, after necessary integrity checks, 92 out 107 questionnaires that were retrieved, were found to be valid, thus formed the denominator for the analyses, using 5 point Likert scale of measurement, corroborated with pie-charts for stronger inferential and descriptive statistical results and explanations. The findings amongst other things are that this model has great potential to drastically reduce multiple roles partitioning among formal land administration machineries and thus increases the speed, quality and quantity of service delivery to prospective teeming land users. Among the recommendations is that decisive actions must be expeditiously taken on generating more functional databases and also increase the frequency of contents updating of these databases. This will no doubt improve the technical prowess of formal land administration machineries, with resultant capability to address myriad of challenges of formal land delivery and accessibility in Nigeria